Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Camel Pack Cocktail

So anyone that does any kind of extreme exercise knows that you need electrolytes.  We were so glad to have had the knowledge of this before hand.  An unfortunate incident happened at last years' Trek Across Maine, a woman collapsed on the first day of our ride when we got to our campsite in Farmington, Maine.  She had only had straight water for the 65 miles we did that day.
We had devised a strategy for preventing this kind of failure, and would like to pass along our recipe for success!
We had gone shopping for supplies a few days before the Trek.  We got 4 big bottles of powerade (you can use Gatorade too, but it's too sweet for our tastes), 6 Gatorade carb shots (2 for each day) 6 body fortress protein shots (2 for each day), emergen-c (enough for three days), 6 powerbars; I recommend the oatmeal cookie flavor, it is the best.  And lastly we got glucose tablets.
Here is our recipe:

 In one camelpak first fill-up we add:
1 bottle powerade
1 Gatorade carb shot
1 protein shot
1 packet emergen-c
and fill the rest of the way with water.
 We kept adding water and by the third rest stop of the day we refilled above except they provide us with Gatorade so we just used theirs.
When our muscles get shaky and our blood sugar gets low we take a glucose tablet to get us through.
Potassium is important to prevent cramping.  One poor guy on the first day going up the mountain was laying in the grass on the side of the road and couldn't move because he had such bad cramps.  Luckily it being a fully supported ride there are medics ready to pick injured and hurt people, or broken down bikes off the road to take them to the next checkpoint!  But even so, the camaraderie between all the riders there are many people that are willing to stop and assist in any situation!
This cocktail sustained us all weekend and kept us feeling really healthy, and at each rest stop we made sure to eat some fruit and animal crackers they provided too.  I made additions from last year, to add the protein shot in rather than taking it separately, and the emergen-c so the body doesn't get depleted of nutrients.  The protein shots are key to reducing acid burn and repairing torn and soothe developing muscles.  Sometimes the muscle burn is so great that at rest stops I found that pounding my fists gently on my sore muscle helped with breaking up the acids to make them feel better!
I went without coffee all three days and supplemented with 5 hour energy instead, advil liqui-gels upon rising.  It got us through.
To help with saddle sores I brought along some arnica gel, and according to my friend it is magical.  It really helps with bruising.  I also had tiger balm for sore achy muscles.  This year I am also adding anti-chafe body glide to reduce friction burn, ow!

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