Friday, March 1, 2013

Blazing Saddles Ahoy!

It is a new year and with Spring upon us our Trek Across Maine team for Athenahealth is ever growing.  Our goal this year is 200 riders.  It was challenging last year to make it to 100, that was double the year before.  I am all signed up and ready to start training. 
This winter in the Northeast we have gotten quite a bit more snow than in years past providing me with more cross country ski time.  I don't do a whole lot of gym time in winter unfortunately, I probably should.  Biking weather is almost upon us, for me it is any day that is almost 40 degrees with very little wind. Although I have been known to ride in blizzards but that was because I had to!
So I need all of your support in raising my $500 for the American Lung Association to ride the trek. The link below will take you directly to my personal fund raising page where you can make your donation.  All donations are tax deductible.  Thank you in advance for your support!